Chapter 1678 The Queen And The Soldier:>8
- People snickered at her behind her back. A couple of the beat cops and one detective were even heard saying that they wished they could find a way of getting rid of her. Much to Sandra's surprise, that one detective had been Bobby. Shannon acknowledged that she had been shaken up by the harassment, but hadn't ratted anyone out or complained. She had wanted to prove that she could take care of herself. Then that night at the murder scene had come. The first officers on the scene had screwed up the initial walkthrough, and the killer had come out of the closet with every intention of killing at least one more person. He had targeted Detective Jones. Shannon hadn't even thought about it. She had moved to interfere and took a bullet high in the chest for her trouble. She disarmed the guy (by breaking his wrist) and then hip-threw him into the sliding glass door. Then she had collapsed on the grungy kitchen tile. What she told Sandra next almost broke the woman's heart: Shannon had half expected the other officers just to let her die. She knew what they thought of her and that they had wanted to see her gone. That was their chance. She remembered thinking that it didn't hurt like she thought it would. Of course, that was because she had been in shock. But she had picked up her head, stared at the assembled officers and then let it rest in a pool of her own blood. She lay there and waited for the end.
- But she had underestimated something. Despite their bigotry, their differences and their attitudes, a cop was still a cop. They were a strangely loyal breed when one of their own was threatened, even if the threatened member wasn't popular to begin with. The last thing Shannon remembered hearing was someone screaming "Officer down! I repeat, officer down!" at the top of his voice. All the cops had come to visit her in the hospital, even the ones who had insulted her sexuality. But Bobby had come by every day. She hadn't asked him to. And he had changed somehow. He brought his wife by once, but she had broken down crying. Shannon had thought that odd, but Sandra understood. Shannon had saved the woman's husband's life. How do you thank someone for something like that? How can you ever repay someone for that kind of debt? Shannon skipped a bunch of stuff after that, but apparently Bobby had become one of her only friends as well as her staunchest ally in the department. She never was harassed again after that night.
- Sandra was a little bit humbled by it all. "Why did you think they would just leave you? I mean, I've known a lot of bigots, but it's a big step between narrow-minded and being outright evil."